shoot your shot,
just aim first.

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Stan Pyrzanowski – Guitar, Vocals

Stan hails from the Berkshires of Massachusetts. Stan has been playing guitar 30 years and comes from a musical familial tradition

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Vadim Bugreev – Rhodes, Keyboards

Vadim, a recent Russian immigrant, is a keyboard whiz. His favorite music is 70s Acid Jazz and House music
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John Mears – Drums, Percussion

John is a lifelong musician and teacher. John is a native Californian – right here from Carlsbad. Music is his life

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Fernando Hinojosa – Percussion, Guitar, Ocarina, Flute, Vocals

Fernando is a multi-hyphenate musical wunderkind. A winner of Canada’s prestigious Juno award, Fernando has had an international music career

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Garrett Housley – Lead & Rhythm Guitar, Bass Guitar

Garrett is a guitarist extraordinaire – his sound is reminiscent of the best cuts from  Zeppelin, Traffic, or the Space Cowboy’s. Garrett hails from Washington State.

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Karen McClain – Lead & Background Vocals

Karen is a native Californian and an experienced professional singer. Karen has frequently appeared in musical theater in southern California

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Anastasia Landázuri – Lead & Background Vocals, Piano, Composition

Anastasia is a classically trained pianist and vocalist. She has a degree in Voice Performance, teaching and specialty in Musical Theatre Arts from the prestigious St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music. She is the child of musicians – her father also attended St. Petersburg. Anastasia’s parents married in Quito, Ecuador, where Anastasia was born and raised in a Conservatory founded by them.